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testing an orange pi, as an alternative to raspberry pi

raspberry pi orange pi alternative Vigibot gpio armbian

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#1 firened



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Posté 22 décembre 2022 - 01:31

writing this down in case it's useful for someone in the future.

i got an "orange pi pc", it doesn't have WiFi, but there are other orange pis with wlan.

Raspbian is only supported on raspberry pi. i installed armbian on the orange pi pc.
UPS 40-pin hats fit and are electronically compatible, but the mounting holes do not align!


orange pi uses "parallel dvp data" and does not support raspberry pi's "MIPI CSI-2" camera modules. some people complain about bugs, but image quality would probably be ok for the supported "gc2035" and "ov5640" camera modules. orange pi has a different CSI connector too.

camera hardware support:
ov5640 70°FOV 30/60fps@?
gc2035 110°FOV 15fps@uxga
ov5647 will not work, despite what AliExpress says. ov5647 has a 15pin flex cable but orange pi pc has 24pin connector.

testing the Vigibot client:
install steps taken:
sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt

sudo armbian-config

package pigpio cannot be installed.
pigpio is only supported on Raspbian:
lgpio or rgpio may be alternatives

pigpio calls in vigiclient:
const GPIO = require("pigpio").Gpio;
gpioOutputs[i][j] = new GPIO(hard.OUTPUTS[i].GPIOS[j], {mode: GPIO.OUTPUT});
gpioOutputs[n][gpio].pwmWrite(Math.abs(map(pwm, -100, 100, -255, 255)));

from what i see lgpio has functions for pwmWrite, digitalWrite, servoWrite too, only pwmFrequency doesn't exist, but that's not absolutely necessary.

Links collection:

the orange pi, as a SBC for simple uses works well and is cheap. Armbian has similarities and differences to Raspbian, and seems to be a nice OS.
however, it appears that support for each peripheral is manufacturer dependant, in this case orange pi.
whether peripherals like camera, gpio, i2c, uart and the like will work with specific software is not clear.

regarding Vigibot, i think it's possible, but would probably take a considerable amount of effort. wifi, camera, uart, i2c is mostly handled by the OS and can perhaps work with little changes.
but it would require multiple modifications to the vigiclient code to support lgpio.

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