Vigibot Dos and Don'ts
Dos :
- Use raspberry pi fish eye camera ( for a better view)
- Use a rasperry pi camera with Infrared cut filter to have great colors during day time
- Try to follow the standard default configuration as much as possible
- Ask help to understand how to configure your robot if needed
- Use arduino board to make your custom code
- Share about your needs and make suggestions => We are always improving the website
- Optional : Use a camera with amovible ir cut filter if you want that your robot see in the dark like this raspberry pi camera
- Optional : Use a 270° servo for the pan head servo
- Optional : Share your robot to registered members => It is funnier together !
- Do not use cheap 360° endless servo to drive wheels. (Velocity control on cheap endless servo is bad ... You will have troubles to drive your robot ), prefer use a DC motor and a motor driver.
- Do not use usb camera use raspberry camera with CSI Ribbon for best performance (except for special things like thermal camera / depth camera but that are not supported yet)
- Do not modifiy the nodejs client except if you know exactly what you are doing (in this case, please ask before we will help you)